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Bryan currently serves as the senior pastor/head of staff at Hope Community Church (PCUSA) in Lakeland, Florida. He is also an affiliate associate professor of theology and ministry at Fuller Theological Seminary. He has been married for forty years to Caroline who is from Belfast Northern Ireland. They met doing ministry together in Southern California and have shared that call and partnership ever since. They have two adult children who are married and have three grandchildren and who live in Seattle.

Bryan is a graduate of Bethel College and Seminary in St. Paul (BA and MA) and received his PhD from Queen’s University Belfast in the theology of Karl Barth. He is also recognized for engaging the life and theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and CS Lewis among others. He was ordained in the Presbyterian Church of Ireland and has served churches throughout the world including Wisconsin, Minnesota, California, Northern Ireland, metro-NYC, Seattle and now Florida. Bryan has taught at various schools including Bethel Seminary-St. Paul, Queen’s University Belfast, Drew University School of Theology-NJ, Princeton Seminary-NJ, Fuller Seminary, Regent College-Vancouver, British Columbia, and SouthEastern University- Lakeland. Throughout their life and ministry, Bryan and Caroline have been very involved in local, national and global mission including Youth for Christ, Young Life, Inter-Varsity, Wycliffe, and most significantly in recent years, the Mercy Ships. Bryan has authored several works through the years. Bryan has been very involved in the renewal movement within the Presbyterian Church of Ireland and in the PCUSA and is a regular speaker at renewal events and church conferences.

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