Sharing Christ Through Community With Love

The Protestant Congregation at Ocean Reef is one of four congregations in the One Community of the Ocean Reef Chapel and Fellowship Center. Participants in our congregation come from a diverse background of churches and denominations. We are in the best sense interdenominational. Our convictions are shaped by our belief and trust in the one true God, revealed through Israel, and fully through God’s Son, Jesus of Nazareth. The Scriptures are God’s inspired account of this revelation. Our shared faith is best captured by what C.S. Lewis called Mere Christianity. Our practice is shaped by the expression, “in essentials, unity; in doubtful matters, liberty; in all things, charity.”

The Protestant Congregation is led by a nine-member board elected by the congregation. Each board member leads and participates in a committee that is responsible for oversight of an area of our mission and ministry. The congregation is served by an ordained Chaplain-In-Residence and team for music leadership.

The ministry of the Protestant Congregation is supported entirely through the gifts and offerings of the participants. The PCOR is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, entirely separate from The Chapel Foundation. An annual report is made to the congregation during the month of April. Learn more about ways to give here.

chapel windows and view of cross
Stained glass window in chapel
chapel view with flowers

Board of Directors

The Protestant Congregation is governed by a group of nine men and women who are elected by the congregation. Each board member has had an outstanding career and voluntarily contributes their time to further our participation in the ministry of Christ to the club through the Chapel and Fellowship Center at Ocean Reef.

nicole blackburn headshot

Nicole Blackburn

Lori Cilley headshot

Lori Cilley

Amy Fernandez headshot

Amy Fernandez

Jerry Fischer headshot

Jerry Fischer

Chuck Hartz headshot

Chuck Hartz | Chair

Rick Haney headshot

Rick Haney

William Rice headshot

Bill Rice


Jeannie Schiavone

Sharon Van Dellen headshot

Sharon Van Dellen


Bob Zoba

Pack St. Clair

Pack St. Clair  | Emeritus Chair


Dan Meyer headshot

Dr. Dan Meyer


Bill Galliford headshot

Bill Galliford

Music Director

Headshot of Gabe Harley

Gabe Harley

Choir Director

Ed Sagi headshot

Ed Sagi


We are grateful for your faithful support. All gifts are tax-deductible.

The Protestant Congregation exists at Ocean Reef for worship of our Lord Jesus Christ. We strive for growth of faith in Him and extending his love and Lordship.