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January 29, 2025

5:00 PM – 6:30 PM at Town Hall

Our Chaplain-in-Residence, Rev. Dr. Bob Henley, has faithfully served our community since March 2014. Chaplain Bob has been an inspiring pastor and leader, and we are deeply grateful for his many years of service.

We encourage everyone to join us in a Recognition Event as we honor his contributions. The event will be held in his honor on January 29 at 5:00 PM at the Town Hall.

If you would like to contribute to the Chaplain Bob Henley Appreciation Fund, donations can be made online or via check directly to the Protestant Congregation. Please mail them to 32 Ocean Reef Drive, Key Largo, FL, 33037. Click here to donate online, please select “Fund in the dropdown menu and select “Bob Henley Appreciation Fund

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